I am thrilled to be able to attach the full verified SIAMS report for your reference. A reminder that SIAMS inspection explores the question, “How effective is the school’s distinctive Christian vision, established and promoted by leadership at all levels, in enabling pupils and adults to flourish?”. Ultimately, this is a test of how well we support the development of our children and how well we ensure our environment is nurturing, supportive, tolerant, diverse and safe.
The inspection report shows have been graded consistently as 'good' across the board. Our previous inspection was overall graded as Good, but with some areas marked as 'Requires Improvement', so this improvement is a testament to all of the hard work that we as a team put into our school. For me the 'grading' is far from the most important thing about this report. It is the narrative, that captures the support, hard work, culture and ethos that we aim to achieve as a school. Portraying the entire life of a school to a single inspector over a period of about 7 hours is no easy task, but you, our staff and our children did a wonderful job on the day. Please see the key findings below:
This really does reflect a huge amount of work on all of our behalf on a day-to-day basis and I would like to extend a public thank you to all of our parents, governors, extended families and staff - without the huge collective an community effort, we would not be able to provide the high level of care and support for your children that we do on a daily basis.
Yesterday, we received a delivery of outdoor play equipment from Dunelm in Aylesbury. They have been running a competition through their Facebook page, asking for teachers or parents to nominate their children's school in recognition of the hard work that schools have put into supporting Key Worker families and preparing for the wider reopening. Thanks to all of the parents and staff who nominated us and we were lucky enough to win the prize. A huge thanks to the team at Dunelm for this.
Our Nursery will be lucky enough to be receiving a new football goal for their grassed area and some tennis bats and balls. We also have a table top Jenga and Table top Connect 4 game which we will give to the BP Buddies to use to support play at break and lunch once school is a little more back to normal. Thanks for all - the more equipment we have, the better time your children will have during their time at school! Dan Following the success of our BP books initiative, please see above one final story that you may find useful to share with your children at home. This has been produced by ELSA support and prepares children who are, or will, return to school. You may find it useful as children do return or as the government plans change.
Thank you to all of the children who entered our Easter Writing Competition during this period of lockdown. We have had lots of entries and they have all been wonderful to read - so full of imagination and interest!
Ms Meiris and Miss Mannion have had a tough job in choosing the winners here. Below are the winning stories for KS1 and KS2. We hope you enjoy reading them as much as we have and a massive congratulations to Isla and Chloe, our two winners! KS1 winner Isla Dunn, 1A The Bunny and the Monster There was once a girl called Isla, who wanted to eat chocolate all day. But one day, Isla ran out of chocolate. She was so sad that she wanted to stay in bed forever, but then the doorbell rang so she had to get out of bed. Isla opened the door to find one cute baby bunny waving from the doorstep. It had brown fur and rainbow paws. Isla picked up the bunny and brought it inside. She found the biggest cup in the house and poured it some orange juice. The bunny drank it all up. The bunny started to hop around the house. Every time the bunny hopped, an Easter egg appeared! The bunny hopped all day and all night. Isla woke up to find the house was full of eggs! There were so many, she had to swim through them to get downstairs. The eggs were as hard as bones. An Easter monster appeared. It had blue fur, one eye and a big smiley mouth. It said 'I will take these for you' and took all the eggs away. It came every day to take the eggs away. One day Isla went to its house to see what it did with them. There were no eggs there, and no monster. Then the monster came home and said it had been delivering the eggs to everybody in the world. Isla took the magic baby bunny to live at the monster's house and they all lived happily ever after. KS2 Winner Chloe Stockdale, 5A The Magical Easter Bunny One cold night I heard a knock on the door. I opened the door and there was a bunny wearing a green ribbon sitting inside a basket. I took him inside and wrapped him in some blankets to keep him warm. I took Bunny up to bed with me. In the morning when I woke up, we were not in my bed. We were in the middle of a cave. Bunny said, “I give you three Easter wishes.” “Wow” I said. I wished for flying powers. Bunny shook his tail. All a sudden I was flying out the cave. Outside there were lots of tall trees. I was flying high up and low down. I landed next to Bunny. I said “I’m hungry. I wish we had a feast.” Bunny started to shake his tail. In front of me was a long table full of food. Bunny told me to tuck in. I felt lonely. “I wish I had my friends here with me.” I said. Bunny started to shake his tail. My friends appeared. We shared food and then ran around chasing each other. It got dark. Bunny said, “come into the cave.” There were beds made of leaves. We were tired. Bunny told us a story and I was soon asleep. I awoke in my bed. Bunny was gone. Did my adventure happen? I saw the green ribbon Bunny had worn. Outside was Bunny. He winked at me and then vanished. I knew it was a real magic adventure. As a part of our ongoing support for parents during this time of uncertainty, please find episode 1 of our Buckingham Park books intiative. Each day, we will be uploading a story read by a member of staff, parent or child! If you have some free time on your hands and want to record a video of you or your child reading a story to share on the school website each day, we would love to receive them! Please email any videos to [email protected]. By emailing, you are giving your consent to this video being shared on the website for all parents to see! The First book is 'The Darkest Dark' read by our very own Mrs Whytewood! Enjoy! In preparation for World Book Day on Thursday 5th March, we have set the challenge of posting 'Extreme Reading' photos. These are photos of children or staff reading in strange, uncommon or odd places, in strange costumes, or in a way which is not usual!
For you to enter the competition, please send your photos to [email protected] by the end of Wednesday 4th March. We would love as many children to be involved in this as we can! See the first few entries from staff members below: Year 5 had a great time on their overnight residential visit to Green Park at the start of term! Have a look below at some of the picture highlights! As with all our web pages, if you or your child features in a photo and you prefer it not to be on our site, please email [email protected] and we will remove it without question. We're very grateful to the Buckinghamshire Fire Servcie for visiting school last week and speaking to our Year 5 children. As with all our web pages, if you or your child features in a photo and you prefer it not to be on our site, please email [email protected] and we will remove it without question. This week we have undertaken a wide range of sports and physical activities as part of National School Sports Week. Thank you to everyone who has supported this week. Special thanks to Carys and the PTA for their support, and for organising the Family Fun afternoon as the grand finale to our week of activity. There are lots of photos to see. As with all our web pages, if you or your child features in a photo and you prefer it not to be on our site, please email [email protected] and we will remove it without question. |
April 2023
School BlogKeeping you up to date with the life of Buckingham Park CE Primary School |