Breakfast Club

What is Breakfast Club?
The Buckingham Park School Breakfast Club provides breakfast in a safe, secure and relaxed environment together with a range of activities for the children before school. The children are encouraged to be responsible and grow as individuals with guidance from qualified, experienced school staff.
When is Breakfast Club?
Opening hours are Monday to Friday, during term time only from 7.40am until 8.40am.
Children may arrive no earlier than 7.40am; breakfast will be available up until 8.15am (children arriving after 08.15am will not be served a breakfast).
Who leads Breakfast Club?
Breakfast Club is a simple extension of the school day and is managed by the school’s leadership team. It is led by staff members.
Where is Breakfast Club?
Breakfast Club is based in the Dining Room. Children must be brought to Breakfast Club by an adult who will sign them in to the club. Some supervised activities will take place in other locations in the school from time to time.
Parents should bring children through the school playground and into the dining room from the playground door.
Who is Breakfast Club for?
Breakfast Club is for any child attending the school in Reception or above.
What does Breakfast Club cost?
Breakfast Club is not funded by the school. Charges made to parents are intended to cover the cost of staffing, food and resources. The cost of Breakfast Club is £4.00 per session.
How do I pay and book?
If you have already made after school club bookings, then you will simply need to log in to book sessions.
If you haven’t yet logged in, then to access your account, follow the link to
When you get to the login page, then click the ‘Forgotten Password’ hyperlink, enter the email address we've sent this email to in the field, and follow the instructions received in the email to create your password. Check your junk folder if you don’t see the email in your inbox.
Bookings and Fees:
• Breakfast club bookings are made at a rate of £4.00 per day.
• Are payable at least 4 days in advance to ensure adequate quality procedures, that staffing levels are maintained, and correct food stock is available. 'Late' bookings and payments will be accepted by midnight the night before. Please be aware that any booking made after the 4 day advance window will incur a ‘late booking charge’ of an additional £1 on top of the session charge, unless there is an exceptional reason, authorised by the Head Teacher.
Further Terms and Conditions can be found via the Magic Booking system and must be read and agreed to before bookings can be made. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us on [email protected] or speak to a member of the office team.
The Buckingham Park School Breakfast Club provides breakfast in a safe, secure and relaxed environment together with a range of activities for the children before school. The children are encouraged to be responsible and grow as individuals with guidance from qualified, experienced school staff.
When is Breakfast Club?
Opening hours are Monday to Friday, during term time only from 7.40am until 8.40am.
Children may arrive no earlier than 7.40am; breakfast will be available up until 8.15am (children arriving after 08.15am will not be served a breakfast).
Who leads Breakfast Club?
Breakfast Club is a simple extension of the school day and is managed by the school’s leadership team. It is led by staff members.
Where is Breakfast Club?
Breakfast Club is based in the Dining Room. Children must be brought to Breakfast Club by an adult who will sign them in to the club. Some supervised activities will take place in other locations in the school from time to time.
Parents should bring children through the school playground and into the dining room from the playground door.
Who is Breakfast Club for?
Breakfast Club is for any child attending the school in Reception or above.
What does Breakfast Club cost?
Breakfast Club is not funded by the school. Charges made to parents are intended to cover the cost of staffing, food and resources. The cost of Breakfast Club is £4.00 per session.
How do I pay and book?
If you have already made after school club bookings, then you will simply need to log in to book sessions.
If you haven’t yet logged in, then to access your account, follow the link to
When you get to the login page, then click the ‘Forgotten Password’ hyperlink, enter the email address we've sent this email to in the field, and follow the instructions received in the email to create your password. Check your junk folder if you don’t see the email in your inbox.
Bookings and Fees:
• Breakfast club bookings are made at a rate of £4.00 per day.
• Are payable at least 4 days in advance to ensure adequate quality procedures, that staffing levels are maintained, and correct food stock is available. 'Late' bookings and payments will be accepted by midnight the night before. Please be aware that any booking made after the 4 day advance window will incur a ‘late booking charge’ of an additional £1 on top of the session charge, unless there is an exceptional reason, authorised by the Head Teacher.
Further Terms and Conditions can be found via the Magic Booking system and must be read and agreed to before bookings can be made. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us on [email protected] or speak to a member of the office team.