General Information
This page contains information for our parents and families. The links below are to guide you to all the key information which will be of interest to you, and includes all the information required to be published under the School Information Regulations (2012).
Please click on the heading to visit the page containing the information:
Contact details
Admission arrangements
Inspection Reports
Statutory Assessment and School Performance
School curriculum information
Phonics and reading
Behaviour policy
The Pupil Premium and Sport Premium
Special Educational Needs and Disability
Charging and remissions policy
School’s ethos and values
GDPR and Data Protection
Schools Financial Benchmarking information
If you have any questions, comments or suggestions please do contact us at [email protected]
Union Absence
Voluntary Aided and Foundation schools must publish information to detail the amount of time taken off by staff who are Union officials. I can confirm that no such time has been taken this academic year.