SEND Provision at Buckingham Park
SEND Policy 2024.25 |
At Buckingham Park Church of England School we aim to provide the highest quality all round education, for each and every child, in partnership with parents, within the context of a Christian community. To achieve this we must offer positive relationships with every child that allow us to know them individually, high quality teaching for all children and strong links with all of our parents. We recognise that every child who we work with has individual needs and sometimes it may be appropriate for a child to receive further additional support to help them achieve their individual potential.
The Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator is Mrs Ann Whytewood.
The Special Educational Needs Governors are Carla Martin and Nikki Norman
What are the steps taken by the school to prevent SEN children being treated less favourably?
The special educational needs and disability code of practice: 0 to 25 years: Statutory guidance identifies statutory duties placed on the school. Whenever we take decisions, we give consideration to what the code says. We have a duty to ensure that our pupils are not discriminated against and we make reasonable adjustments, including the use of auxillary aids and services to ensure that all children with SEN are not at a disadvantage compared with that of their peers. These could include the provision of services and the provision of education. We make reasonable adjustments to meet all needs which could include specific interventions, the use of aids and personnel to support learning, using a different approach to meet needs of individuals.
For children with disabilities, our duty is anticipatory – it requires thought to be given in advance to what disabled children and young people might require and what adjustments might need to be made to prevent that disadvantage. We promote equality of opportunity for disabled children. Any targets are specific and measurable, we commission services to support the needs of individuals and arrangements in place to support all pupils with SEN to ensure that they get the support they need. All children with SEN engage in activities of school alongside children who do not have SEN.
We regularly review and evaluate the breadth and impact of the support we offer or can access to ensure that we take an active role involve with all agencies and follow advice. We make the best endeavours to make sure that a child with SEN gets the support they need – this means doing everything we can to meet children and young people’s SEN. We regularly review and evaluate the breadth and impact of the support we offer, or can access, and we promote training for individual staff members or whole staff to ensure that we can follow updated recommendations for pupils in our care.
Roles and Responsibilities of the Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCO)
The SENCO is responsible for overseeing the day to day operation of the school’s Special Educational Needs (SEN) Policy and co-ordinates the provision for pupils with SEN. This includes:
How does Buckingham Park Church of England School identify pupils with SEN?
How are children with SEN assessed?
How is provision monitored?
When will SEN progress be reviewed?
How are children with SEN supported?
The class teacher plans the provision for pupils with SEN and ensures it is differentiated to suit the child’s needs. This may include support in class by a teacher or a learning support assistant (LSA). It is sometimes appropriate for a child to receive support in an intervention group. Advice from professionals is sought as required.
At Buckingham Park Church of England School we aim to be a learning community where each child is significant; noticed, valued, respected and cherished.
How is the curriculum and learning environment adapted?
At Buckingham Park Church of England School we aim to be a learning community where children are safe, enthusiastic, happy, engaged, courteous and interdependent.
What additional support is available?
If a child needs more specific support (eg. spelling, maths, speech and language, handwriting) they will be placed in a small intervention group run by a teacher or an LSA. Interventions are monitored as part of the school pupil progress cycle. Effectiveness of the provision is used to inform future planning.
At Buckingham Park Church of England School we aim to be a learning community where as a result of outstanding, motivating and inspirational staff and teaching, each child makes sustained progress.
How is Emotional and Social development promoted?
At Buckingham Park Church of England School we recognise that children learn better and are happier in school if their emotional needs are also addressed.
At Buckingham Park Church of England School we aim to be a learning community where the teaching of reading, writing, communication and mathematics is exceptional and each child makes excellent progress.
What facilities does the school offer?
Our school is fully accessible to children and adults with mobility difficulties (including wheelchair users). Our facilities include:
At Buckingham Park Church of England School we aim to be a learning community where teachers plan challenging and enjoyable tasks based on accurate assessment of pupils’ prior skills, knowledge and understanding – supported by an outstanding, creative curriculum
What training have the staff supporting children with SEN had or having?
Ann Whytewood, our SENDCO and Deputy Headteacher, is accredited with the Level 3 Early Years SEN award. She is new to the post and will be completing the NASENCO (National Award for Special Educational Needs Co-ordination).
In addition:
At Buckingham Park Church of England School we aim to be a learning community where learning across the entire curriculum is highly valued and each subject and area of learning is treated as significant.
How are parents involved?
How are children involved?
Who does Buckingham Park Church of England School work in partnership with?
How are children who are transferring supported?
Admission Arrangements for pupils with SEN or disabilities
The school’s admissions arrangements are determined by the Governing Body. Any changes to the Admission Policy is subject to a statutory consultation process. No pupil will be refused admission to the school on the basis of his or her special educational need. In line with the SEN and Disability Act, we will not discriminate against disabled children and we will take all reasonable steps to provide effective educational provision. The school prioritises children with an EHCP or Statement in its admission rules. Our full admission policy and procedures can be viewed on the school website.
Buckingham Park Church of England School key contacts
Name: Mrs A Whytewood
Email: [email protected]
Tel: 01296 415687
What if things go wrong?
Our school aims to be fair, open and honest when dealing with any complaint and to resolve it through open
dialogue and mutual understanding.
Careful consideration will be given to all concerns and complaints and we will deal with them as swiftly as
possible. We will provide sufficient opportunity for any complaint to be fully discussed.
Our policy and procedure for dealing with complaints can be found on our policies page.
Information for the local offer for Buckinghamshire County Council is available at
Our SEN Policy is available to view on our policies page.
This page last updated 20-Jan-2021
The Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator is Mrs Ann Whytewood.
The Special Educational Needs Governors are Carla Martin and Nikki Norman
What are the steps taken by the school to prevent SEN children being treated less favourably?
The special educational needs and disability code of practice: 0 to 25 years: Statutory guidance identifies statutory duties placed on the school. Whenever we take decisions, we give consideration to what the code says. We have a duty to ensure that our pupils are not discriminated against and we make reasonable adjustments, including the use of auxillary aids and services to ensure that all children with SEN are not at a disadvantage compared with that of their peers. These could include the provision of services and the provision of education. We make reasonable adjustments to meet all needs which could include specific interventions, the use of aids and personnel to support learning, using a different approach to meet needs of individuals.
For children with disabilities, our duty is anticipatory – it requires thought to be given in advance to what disabled children and young people might require and what adjustments might need to be made to prevent that disadvantage. We promote equality of opportunity for disabled children. Any targets are specific and measurable, we commission services to support the needs of individuals and arrangements in place to support all pupils with SEN to ensure that they get the support they need. All children with SEN engage in activities of school alongside children who do not have SEN.
We regularly review and evaluate the breadth and impact of the support we offer or can access to ensure that we take an active role involve with all agencies and follow advice. We make the best endeavours to make sure that a child with SEN gets the support they need – this means doing everything we can to meet children and young people’s SEN. We regularly review and evaluate the breadth and impact of the support we offer, or can access, and we promote training for individual staff members or whole staff to ensure that we can follow updated recommendations for pupils in our care.
Roles and Responsibilities of the Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCO)
The SENCO is responsible for overseeing the day to day operation of the school’s Special Educational Needs (SEN) Policy and co-ordinates the provision for pupils with SEN. This includes:
- Monitoring teaching and learning in the classroom and interventions to ensure consistency throughout the school.
- Tracking the progress of children with SEN, both in the classroom and interventions.
- Liaising with school staff to help identify and support children with SEN.
- Organising assessment and observations of pupils.
- Working alongside outside agencies.
- Communicating with the pupils and parent of pupils with SEN to ensure a consistent approach to learning.
How does Buckingham Park Church of England School identify pupils with SEN?
- Concerns raised by parents/carers and teachers of the child.
- Advice from other professionals.
- Limited progress being made.
- Changes in pupils progress or behaviour.
How are children with SEN assessed?
- Class assessments/observations completed by the class teacher.
- Assessments completed by professionals (e.g. Educational Psychologist, Specialist teacher, Occupational Therapist, Speech and Language therapist).
- Assessments completed before and after an intervention program.
How is provision monitored?
- The SENDCo monitors provision in the school.
- Assess, Plan , Do, Review cycles are completed by the class teacher.
- Individual support plans are completed by the class teacher.
- Assessment data is used to identify progress and to create individual targets.
- Lessons are observed to ensure the curriculum is differentiated to support all learners.
- The SENDCo completes learning walks to ensure classroom provision is accessible to all learners.
- Interventions are monitored to ensure the correct support is in place, targets are reviewed and progress is being made.
When will SEN progress be reviewed?
- Class provision maps are completed by the class teacher.
- Support plans and Assess, Plan, Do, Review cycles are updated at least termly.
- Ongoing assessments are in place to monitor progress.
- The SENDCo meets termly with class teachers to discuss the progress made by all children and to determine possible barriers to learning. Support can then be put into place to support these children.
How are children with SEN supported?
The class teacher plans the provision for pupils with SEN and ensures it is differentiated to suit the child’s needs. This may include support in class by a teacher or a learning support assistant (LSA). It is sometimes appropriate for a child to receive support in an intervention group. Advice from professionals is sought as required.
At Buckingham Park Church of England School we aim to be a learning community where each child is significant; noticed, valued, respected and cherished.
How is the curriculum and learning environment adapted?
- Class teachers ensure the curriculum is differentiated to meet the needs of individual learners.
- Resources are created, as required, to support learners to be as independent as possible.
- Class teachers plan activities to enable children to make good progress.
- LSAs are used to support focus groups within class.
- Resources and the environment are adapted as required.
- Our accessibility plan is available to view on the policies page of this website.
At Buckingham Park Church of England School we aim to be a learning community where children are safe, enthusiastic, happy, engaged, courteous and interdependent.
What additional support is available?
If a child needs more specific support (eg. spelling, maths, speech and language, handwriting) they will be placed in a small intervention group run by a teacher or an LSA. Interventions are monitored as part of the school pupil progress cycle. Effectiveness of the provision is used to inform future planning.
- Additional provision is monitored using Target Tracker, PIVATs, Provision Maps, support plans and the Assess, Plan, Do, Review process.
- All of our LSAs are involved in running interventions.
- Interventions currently running include; Speech and Language, Talk Boost, Plus 1, Power of 2, Phonics, Handwriting, Rainbow Road, Lego Therapy, ELSA.
At Buckingham Park Church of England School we aim to be a learning community where as a result of outstanding, motivating and inspirational staff and teaching, each child makes sustained progress.
How is Emotional and Social development promoted?
At Buckingham Park Church of England School we recognise that children learn better and are happier in school if their emotional needs are also addressed.
- Social skills interventions are offered.
- School counsellor.
- ELSA (Emotional Literacy Support Assistant) available to support group or individual interventions.
- Adapt expectations for individuals and adapt their support accordingly
At Buckingham Park Church of England School we aim to be a learning community where the teaching of reading, writing, communication and mathematics is exceptional and each child makes excellent progress.
What facilities does the school offer?
Our school is fully accessible to children and adults with mobility difficulties (including wheelchair users). Our facilities include:
- A lift to all floors
- Accessible toilets on each floor
- Step free access to every access point
- Wide corridors and doors
At Buckingham Park Church of England School we aim to be a learning community where teachers plan challenging and enjoyable tasks based on accurate assessment of pupils’ prior skills, knowledge and understanding – supported by an outstanding, creative curriculum
What training have the staff supporting children with SEN had or having?
Ann Whytewood, our SENDCO and Deputy Headteacher, is accredited with the Level 3 Early Years SEN award. She is new to the post and will be completing the NASENCO (National Award for Special Educational Needs Co-ordination).
In addition:
- There are experienced teachers and LSAs working in the school with a culture to share expertise.
- Training is undertaken by the school as required.
- Recent training includes; AET (Autism education Trust) autism awareness and Good Autism Practice, social stories and comic strip conversations, Shape coding, ‘Step On’ approach to behaviour management, Infant Link and Speech Link assessment.
- Specialist expertise includes links with an Educational Psychologist, Cognition and Learning, Speech and Language, Specialist teaching service, Primary Referral Unit, CAMHS, Paediatrician and Occupational Therapy.
At Buckingham Park Church of England School we aim to be a learning community where learning across the entire curriculum is highly valued and each subject and area of learning is treated as significant.
How are parents involved?
- An open door policy is operated which encourages communication between parents and carers and school staff.
- Children’s progress is discussed at Parent Evenings and through school reports.
- Support plans are shared with parents on a termly basis.
- Reports from professionals are shared.
- Parents are invited to contribute to their child’s support plan by sharing their views.
- Annual reviews are organised as appropriate
How are children involved?
- Progress is discussed with the children.
- The child’s point of view is discussed with them before an annual review.
- The children help to create their support plan by working with an adult to share their views.
Who does Buckingham Park Church of England School work in partnership with?
- We involve other bodies (including health, social care) to meet the needs of pupils with SEN.
- These agencies include; Educational Psychologist, Speech and Language, Primary Referral Unit, CAMHS, Paediatrician, Occupational Therapy and School Nurse.
How are children who are transferring supported?
- Conversations with previous schools or settings.
- Conversations with parents/carers and children.
- Transition days are arranged when it is appropriate.
- When a child has specific needs a meeting with the SENCO can be arranged.
Admission Arrangements for pupils with SEN or disabilities
The school’s admissions arrangements are determined by the Governing Body. Any changes to the Admission Policy is subject to a statutory consultation process. No pupil will be refused admission to the school on the basis of his or her special educational need. In line with the SEN and Disability Act, we will not discriminate against disabled children and we will take all reasonable steps to provide effective educational provision. The school prioritises children with an EHCP or Statement in its admission rules. Our full admission policy and procedures can be viewed on the school website.
Buckingham Park Church of England School key contacts
Name: Mrs A Whytewood
Email: [email protected]
Tel: 01296 415687
What if things go wrong?
Our school aims to be fair, open and honest when dealing with any complaint and to resolve it through open
dialogue and mutual understanding.
Careful consideration will be given to all concerns and complaints and we will deal with them as swiftly as
possible. We will provide sufficient opportunity for any complaint to be fully discussed.
Our policy and procedure for dealing with complaints can be found on our policies page.
Information for the local offer for Buckinghamshire County Council is available at
Our SEN Policy is available to view on our policies page.
This page last updated 20-Jan-2021