At Buckingham Park School we are delighted to offer a variety of Lunchtime and After School Clubs each term. We are very proud of the inclusivity of these clubs and aim to offer as many free clubs as possible. Most clubs are run by our school staff however there are also some paid specialists who run some other exciting clubs too.
Some examples of clubs we have recently offered include:
- Cooking club - Football - Chess club - Running club - Chill & Chat - PenPals - Explore the Bible - Sign Language -
Clubs are mostly located at Buckingham Park however, where transport is required, we may be able to transport your child or ask parents to support with this. Information regarding club details and collection arrangements will be clarified when school clubs information is communicated with parents via the school office.
For further information regarding clubs, please contact our school office.
Sporting Events and Opportunities
At Buckingham Park, we’re trying our best to get children moving and participating in sporting activity as much as possible. This is much wider than the competitive external sport that we publicise so heavily in each school newsletter.
In PE sessions, our pupils are gaining valuable opportunities with coaching sessions led by specialists in their field.
In Year 5 and 6, our students have enjoyed developing their basketball skills with Coach Jenner. Year 5 and 6 will also receive cricket coaching after half term from the cricket organisation,
Chance to Shine. Year 2 are currently learning Street Dance in their PE lessons -delivered by the brilliant UDOIT Dance team.
Our Year 1 pupils will receive further dance lessons from this specialist company. Our Year 4s are continuing to develop their swimming confidence and skills at Aqua Vale, each Monday. In the summer term, Year 3 and 4 will receive teaching from the tennis coaches over at Aylesbury Tennis Club.
For Reception, in the summer, Premier Sports will be coming in to deliver multi-sports activities for the children.
As you can see, we’re looking to provide valuable sporting experiences inside school for all, as well as the competitive opportunities for our older children.
In the summer term, we will celebrate Sports Week where will aim to expose our students to a wide range of sports, including: wheelchair basketball, golf and martial arts.
If you require further information regarding these opportunities, please speak to Mr Perks.