Classroom Strategy |
Implementation |
Power Maths At least one hour of the school day, every day. In class teacher guides (for planning), online resources (for whole class problems) and practice books (for independent application) Resources, planning and activities online: |
At Buckingham Park our main core teaching follows the DfE approved Power Maths programme in Reception to Year 6. Power Maths is built around a child‑centred lesson design that models and embeds a growth mind-set approach to maths and focuses on helping all children to build a deep understanding of maths concepts. Power Maths is a whole-class mastery programme designed to spark curiosity and excitement and help nurture confidence in maths. It used a CPA (concrete>pictorial>abstract) approach used consistently throughout the school every day, for at least one hour of each school day. The mastery approach allows children to progress through a variety of low threshold high ceiling tasks that allow all children to make progress. Each year group uses real life contexts in each lesson, hand on practical learning and carefully planned questions to explore maths learning through discussion, partner and group work. The questions use intelligent practice for children to complete independently in the final section of the lesson. There are 3 textbooks and 3 practice books to follow in each year group per term; 1 for Autumn, 1 for Spring and 1 for Summer. The practice books is where the majority of maths work can be shown however each pupil also have a blue maths journal that evidences other maths learning relevant to them; this could include daily fluency, intervention work or challenge work as an example. |
NumBots Recall and fluency in mental addition and subtraction, so that children move from counting to calculating. |
This is used in Reception and Year 1. This is an online website accessed both in school and at home. Children begin to look at subitising number as it lays the foundation of number bonds. They then move onto number bonds to 5, 10, 20 and 100. NumBots then covers practical strategies for approaching different types of calculations - such as bridging to the nearest 10, near doubles, partitioning numbers and compensating. |
Times Table Rockstars A carefully sequenced programme of daily times tables practice. |
This is used across the school from Year 2 to Year 6. This is used 3x weekly in school for children to develop rapid recall of number facts – this is on a paper booklet completed in class. There is also an online website that each child from Year 2 to Year 6 has access to in school or at home. Many competitions are set for children to take part in from Termly Battle of the Bands, battles against other schools and individual battles too. ‘Gigs’ are to be completed monthly by children for teacher assessment. |
Maths Whizz An online virtual tutor specifically tailored to children’s specific ability. |
This is used in school from Year 3 to Year 6. An initial assessment is taken at the beginning of the year (and reset throughout the year if deemed appropriate) Children complete a variety of maths tasks to practise skills from the NC objectives. This information is taken from their initial assessment and the online programme constantly tailors lessons and tasks based on the children’s input and progress when completing minutes. This is done online at home and children are given a small amount of time in school to complete some minutes too. Those who struggle to access computers at home are able to complete these at school where possible. Every Monday, gold, silver and bronze certificates are awarded to those children who complete the most progressions and the most minutes. These certificates are displayed in class for all to see. Maths Whizz is also celebrated in phase worship from LKS2 and UKS2 where the winning class is shared each week and a trophy is awarded and displayed in class. |
Fluent in 5 A mixture of daily arithmetic questions for Year 2 to Year 6 to build number fluency and confidence with number facts. Progression is mapped across the year to ensure skills are built upon in each year group. |
At Buckingham Park each class in Year 2 to Year 6 takes part in a Fluent in 5 tasks that are daily arithmetic questions to build number fluency & confidence in short burst learning. These rapid set of daily questions are presented in the style of the SATs Arithmetic Paper to develop speed and fluency. Questions are mapped against a progression document and increase in difficulty over the year. These daily activities have been carefully mapped out to ensure revisiting of key knowledge throughout the year. We strongly believe that short burst learning is vital to support children making progress relevant to them and this is why these tasks are taught every day. The resources can be adapted to ensure every pupil makes progress with the foundations of maths learning. This short burst daily learning takes part at different points throughout the day and is not necessarily developed in the hour of maths teaching. |
Rapid reasoning A mixture of daily reasoning and problem solving tasks for Year 3 to Year 6. Progression is mapped across the year to ensure skills are built upon in each year group. |
This is used in Year 3 to Year 6 when teachers deem students to be ready to access these resources. This daily maths resources are used with children to improve reasoning and problem solving skills. If children are not ready for the skills of the year group, they can be introduced at the discretion of the teacher and other year group questions can be used to cater to needs of individual children or groups of children. |
Cohort in 2021/2022 |
National Expectation |
Expected Standard |
Greater Depth Standard |
Early Years |
75% |
74.5% |
- |
Key Stage One |
68% |
75% |
27% |
Key Stage Two |
71% |
79% |
24% |