At Buckingham Park it is important to us that our pupil's have a voice - the ability to freely raise their opinions, challenge decisions in a meaningful and productive way and have some power to guide the future development of the school.
With this in mind, we have a focus on Pupil Advocacy and children from across the school have the opportunity to see themselves as leaders. See information below about advocacy opportunities
Classroom Roles
Even in our youngest classes, children are given opportunities to develop their autonomy and develop roles to support the children and adults. These may start as smaller opportunities, focussing on daily monitor jobs, supporting classroom organisation, completing jobs on behalf of the teachers and delivering and supporting lunchtime and attendance registers.
Worship Leaders
All children take part in designing, leading and delivering Worship times throughout their time at Buckingham Park. Given a stimulus, or sometimes lead by their own interests and experiences, children work collaboratively to create and deliver content for whole school Worship time sessions. This is great experience of public speaking in front of up to 400 children at a time.
Our Year 6 pupils also take on Worship Leader roles, preparing our worship spaces - ensuring candles, chairs and other materials are out for classes or adults leading these sessions.
Finally, on Tuesdays/Thursdays (depending on the age of the child) Worship 'Reflect' sessions take place in the classroom. Where possible, children are actively involved in these sessions, preparing the space and actively taking part in discussions about the week's focus topic.
Year 6 Buddies
Our Year 6 children have a brilliant opportunity during their final year at Buckingham Park to train and become BP Buddies. Our Year 6 children apply and are interviewed for these roles. Each buddy works with a class throughout the school as a linked peer mentor. The children receive in house training in friendship support, active listening, pastoral support, confidentiality and are there as a first port of call for children to support them with a range of school issues.
These children also support children at the start of the day, during periods of movement, in worship times and after lunch when some of these peer issues are more prevalent.
Finally, they run direct provision at breaktimes and lunchtimes, leading games for younger children and enabling a 'quiet' provision with books, drawing and small play activities for children not wanting to play more energetic games on the playground.
Pupil Parliament
We run an active Pupil Parliament, consisting of members from all classes from Year 1 to Year 6. These children meet regularly to discuss whole school matters and have recently decided on our chosen charity to support in 2022/23, the RSPCA due to their love of nature, wildlife and our environment. The children are currently working on some fundraising ideas for us to share in the summer term.
Democratically, the children elect their own representatives for this group form their classes and the parliament elect their own Parliament Prime Minister and Vice Prime Minister. For 2022/23 these are:
Our elite team of Eco-Rangers support our environmental efforts around the school. Each class has representatives and these children have the job of supporting recycling provision, working on energy reduction and promoting sustainable efforts in and around the school. It has been great to see children taking this role seriously and engaging in community sustainability efforts such as litter picking and local planting initiatives outside of school.
They check classrooms to make sure that when vacant, projectors, screens and lights have been turned off and have recently been involved in erecting some new signage about 'perfect parking' outside the front entrance to the school.