On Friday 24th August, the BBC Three Counties Radio Breakfast Show featured Buckingham Park CE Primary School. The interview with Nick Waldron, headteacher, was timed to broadcast on the day when Taylor Wimpey handed over the keys to the school. Dignitaries from Buckinghamshire County Council, Aylesbury Vale District Council, Aylesbury Town Council and Buckingham Park Parish Council joined the School's governors and staff, alongside representatives from Taylor Wimpey and Ashe Construction. The guests toured the school and heard from Peter Gurr (Managing Director, Taylor Wimpey South MIdlands) and Nick Waldron (headteacher). Both told the gathered guests of their hope that the opening of the new school would be a major step in building the community at Buckingham Park.
Our August edition of 'Countdown' is now available to download from the 'New Parents' section of our school website. This edition has information about the start of term, school meals and school uniform. In addition there is a new page on our school website dedicated to School Meals. If you are a parent, we'd really appreciate you completing our quick questionnaire to let us know whether your child will be having school meals during the first week of term. The Quarrendon Children's Centre operate a wide range of activities and groups for parents and families with young children. Many of these activities are exclusively for families from Buckingham Park. The Children's Centre has a new timetable for September and October 2012 with 8 activities each week taking place in the newly opened Buckingham Park Community Centre. This is a tremendous service for local families and we would encourage you to get involved as much as you can. It couldn't be handier, being located next door to the school! For more information, click below to take a look at the timetable.
April 2023
School BlogKeeping you up to date with the life of Buckingham Park CE Primary School |