We are delighted to tell you that a number of staff have volunteered to lead an after school club for the children. A list of the clubs being offered can be found on our online booking form. All clubs have a limit on the numbers of children that we can safely supervise so we may have to operate a ‘rota’ if we cannot accommodate all the children at the same time. Clubs will continue regardless of weather conditions. In the case of very poor weather, outdoor clubs will relocate to an indoor space. Please note that we do not currently offer clubs to children in Reception. The clubs will start week commencing 3 October 2016 and will run up to half term (3 weeks). There will then be a two week break. Clubs will restart week commencing 7 November run for another 5 weeks (finishing week commencing 5 December 2016). Please book a place by using the online form. Only return the paper form if you are unable to access the online form. PLEASE COMPLETE THIS FORM BY TUESDAY 27 SEPTEMBER. Please assume your child has a place unless you are notified otherwise. We are grateful to all those members of staff who have volunteered to do this – this is a tremendous commitment and is done purely to give the children additional opportunities. Please remember to thank them for giving up their time in this way. Please note that the following ‘paid for’ clubs are operating this term and should be booked directly with the provider (please enquire in the school office for further details). These clubs will also have their own schedule of dates: - Basketball (Year 5 and 6) - KaSo Ballet (Years 1 – 3) - Hercules (Years 1 – 6) CLICK HERE TO ACCESS THE ONLINE BOOKING FORM Our Parent Briefing Evening for Reception Parents will be an opportunity to focus on Reading. Come and hear all about how we will be helping your child to become a great reader and how you can help at home! Tuesday 27 September 2016, 7.00pm – 8.30pm Learn all about phonemes, graphemes, blending and segmenting, sound buttons, reading levels, phonics games, reading schemes, real books and tricky words… in a fun, relaxed environment! This is an evening for parents – children do not need to attend. After School Basketball Club Boys and Girls in Years 5 and 6 Mondays 3.15pm - 4.15pm Starts Monday 19 September School Playground Coach Jenner We're delighted to have Coach Jenner with us each Monday. He will be teaching basketball during PE and also running an after-school club for children in Years 5 and 6. Coach Jenner is a very experiences basketball coach and Chairman of the Bucks Basketball Association. If your child is in 5A or 6B and would like to sign up for the club, please complete the form below: Our Year 5 class are visiting Green Park for two days. They'll be having great fun, working as a team, and staying overnight. We'll update this page to keep you in touch with how they are doing. Thursday Lunchtime Update We've had a long walk, avoided 'drop bears', completed some team challenges and made lots of noise. Some of the children look ready for bed already! Just eating lunch, then it's back outside climbing, archery or low ropes in our activity groups. Thursday Afternoon Update Afternoon activities done. Children are just moving their things into their rooms. Much excitement! Thursday Dinner Time Update Finished dinner and back out for a play in the great outdoors! Lasagne, macaroni cheese, salad, apple crumble, custard and fruit all on offer at tea time. Just getting ready for our 'quiz with a difference'. More photos below! Friday Morning Update We had a great time at our 'Quiz without questions'. Take a look at the pictures below! Everyone slept really well and we were woken by the thunder and lightning alarm clock at just the right time. All our things are packed and we've enjoyed a delicious breakfast of egg or bacon rolls, toast and cereal. It looks like it's going to be a very, very wet day!! Friday Lunchtime Update If you thought that the rain would stop us from carrying on with our planned activities, then you were very wrong! We're a bit damp, but enjoying everything Green Park has to offer. More activities this morning, and a great 'dodgeball' session in the sports hall. Mr W was full of fighting talk but was ultimately 'taken out' by 9 and 10 year olds! More pictures added below. Final Update We had a great time at Green Park. After lunch on Friday we did our final round of activities before being collected be our parents. Thanks to Mums and Dads for supporting the children with your encouragement and financial support. And to the staff for giving up their time, and their families, to be with their Buckingham Park family! More pics below! We are participaing in the scheme for all children in Years 1, 2 and 3 to receive a vaccination against flu. Children in Reception and Nursery will be able to be vaccinated through your doctor's surgery. The vaccination programme is in place to help protect your child against flu. Flu can be an unpleasant illness and sometimes causes serious complications. Vaccinating your child will also help protect more vulnerable friends and family by preventing the spread of flu. Everyone in Years 1, 2 and 3 will be coming home with an information leaflet and a consent form. Further information is available below in the form of a letter and the information leaflet. If your child is in Years 1, 2 or 3, please return your consent form as soon as possible (and by Friday 23 September at the latest). If you need any further information, please ask.
Ballet Club proved really successful during Summer term, with the children making such good progress that KaSo have decided to continue with Ballet this September too. The new opportunity this year is for children to work towards an external exam in Pre-Primary Ballet through The British Association of Teachers of Dance, (BATD). Pupils do not have to take the exam, and we will work together with you to decide if it is right for your child in two terms’ time, which is the minimum time it takes to prepare for such an exam. Sessions of Dance Blitz will therefore consist of syllabus work, with the usual addition of fun dance games and action songs. Children who attended last term are invited to sign up again so they can make even more progress, BUT we would also love to see some new children join Ballet club and give dance a go: It is open to children from Year 1 to Year 3 and will be an initial block of 6 sessions before the October half term, and then 6 more sessions after October half term. Please remember that BALLET IS FOR BOYS AS WELL AS GIRLS. The club will run directly after school every Monday for Year 1 to Year 3, from 3.15 - 4.10pm. First Session: Monday 12th September Please read the letter, below, for further details...
April 2023
School BlogKeeping you up to date with the life of Buckingham Park CE Primary School |